Apr 212017

kein Landbesitz für Ausländer in den USA

Was Ihnen die netten und freundlichen deutschsprachigen Investorhilfen für die USA nicht sagen werden:


1501. Lands in Territories

No alien or person who is not a citizen of the United States, or who has not declared his intention to become a citizen of the United States in the manner provided by law shall acquire title to or own any land in any of the Territories of the United States except as hereinafter provided. The prohibition of this section shall not apply to cases in which the right to hold or dispose of lands in the United States is secured by existing treaties to citizens or subjects of foreign countries, which rights, so far as they may exist by force of any such treaty, shall continue to exist so long as such treaties are in force, and no longer.
(Mar. 3, 1887, ch. 340, §1, 24 Stat. 476; Mar. 2, 1897, ch. 363, 29 Stat. 618.)
Section was formerly classified to section 71 of Title 8, Aliens and Nationality.

Dieser Auszug stammt aus dem United state code :

wurde verschoben von title 8 (ALIENS AND NATIONALITY  ) nach title 48  (TERRITORIES AND INSULAR POSSESSIONS )/ §1501. Lands in Territories :

Das ist ein Bundesgesetz – gültig für alle Bundesstaaten – Möglichkeiten gibt es natürlich immer  diese Vorschriften zu umgehen!
Das mit dem „free Country“ ist nur ein Hollywood Mythos und ein Mythos, den geldgeile „Investorenhelfer“ publizieren!

Viele dieser zweifelhaften „Makler“ werden Ihnen erzählen, „Im Gegensatz zu Deutschland gibt es in den USA kein Grundbuchsystem“ !
Diese Behauptung ist natürlich kompletter Schwachsinn, die USA hat eines der ältesten Grundbuchsysteme der Welt!

Grundbuch USA online:

Nur, als Ausländer = Alien, kommt man da nicht rein – nur mit einem „Strohmann“!

In Folgenden Bundesstaaten gibt es rechtliche Behinderungen für Ausländer die eine Immobilie kaufen wollen:

California, Illinois, Kansas, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, and North Carolina.

A non-resident alien, a foreign government, or business incorporated in a foreign countryor majority owned directly or indirectly by non-resident aliens, may not purchase or acquire agricultural land, with certain exceptions.
Agricultural land acquired under the exceptions is subject to reporting requirements.

Only US citizens, permanent resident aliens, and business entities whose stock and beneficial ownership are at least 80 per cent held by US citizens or permanent resident aliens may own agricultural land.

Non US citizens and businesses in which non-US citizens own a controlling interest may not own agricultural land unless the non-US citizen is a resident in the US No corporation, Missouri or out-of-state, may engage in agriculture after 1975.

North Dakota:
A non-US or non-Canadian citizen who is not a resident alien in the US may not hold agricultural land.

Foreign governments and non-resident non US citizens may not hold more than 100 acres of agricultural land.

South Dakota:

Foreign governments and non-resident, non-US citizens may not hold more than 160 acres of agricultural land.
No in or out-of-state corporation may own agricultural land.
Guam, Indiana, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Wisconsin, Wyoming Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Kentucky, Mississippi, Montana, Oregon
– These states have some limitation on the ownership of real property and preference in the access to – or ownership of land.

Alien owned businesses may only own or rent land through Guam corporations.


Limits amount of land held by aliens. Resident and non-resident aliens may acquire real estate but must dispose of any land over 320 acres within five years of acquiring it, or the excess acreage will escheat to the state.

Non-US citizens may not own real estate, in the state, with certain exceptions.

South Carolina:
Non-US citizens or corporations controlled by non-US citizens may not hold more than 500 000 acres of land.

Non-US citizens not resident in the US, corporations with more than 20 per cent of their stock owned by them and non-US corporations may not hold more than 640 acres of land.

A non-resident not eligible for citizenship may not hold real property except for personal use and not exceeding one acre.

Non-immigrant visa holders do not receive a homestead exemption.

Citizens and residents of Hawaii and US military war veterans receive preference in drawings from residential and agricultural leases of state lands. Residency requirements exist foraliens and stockholders of corporations and associations who wish to rent land in designated agricultural parks.

State land may only be sold to US citizens.


Real estate owned by a non-resident alien may be escheated by the State eight years following its acquisition unless:

a) the alien becomes a US citizen,

b) they have declared their intent to become US citizens; or

c) the corporations are organised under state law


Non-resident aliens may not hold land longer than 20 years before becoming a US citizen except that they may acquire 320 acres for industrial development and 5 acres for residential purposes.
Moreover, a non-resident alien may not purchase public land, except that they may purchase 320 acres of public land for industrial purposes and 5 acres for residential purposes.

State lands may only be sold to US citizens, those who have declared their intent to become US citizens or corporations organised under state law.

State lands may only be sold to US citizens or those who have declared their intent tobecome US citizens.

Montana Mining:
Montana has a reciprocity test for coal leases on state owned land.
You should consult further information for your specific situation.

Man muss allerdings dazusagen, dass es sich hauptsächlich um Einschränkungen für Agrargrundstücke handelt, die eine gewisse Größe überschreiten – wie auch in Brasilien!
Lesen Sie auch – auf englisch:

U.S. Legal Checklist for Foreign Investors Buying U.S. Real Estate

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Brasilien: auch mit Touristenvisum können Sie ganz legal eine Immobilie kaufen und im Grundbuch stehen :

Paraguay: auch mit Touristenvisum können Sie ganz legal eine Immobilie kaufen und im Grundbuch stehen :

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[Copyright © Text / Bilder - Winfried Michael Zehm ]

[Copyright © Text / Bilder / Fotos - W.M. Zehm ]

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